Selected Publications

Please see google scholar for more the entire list of publications!

Image description 5. DFFS: A GIS-based tool for dynamic assessment of community susceptibility to flash flooding

Wilkho, R.S. & Gharaibeh, N.G.
Sustainable Cities and Society
Under Review
Image description 4. FF-BERT: A BERT-based ensemble for automated classification of web-based text on flash flood events

Wilkho, R.S., Chang, S. & Gharaibeh, N.G.
Advanced Engineering Informatics
2023 [paper]
Image description 3. FF-IR: An information retrieval system for flash flood events developed by integrating public-domain data and machine learning

Wilkho, R.S., Gharaibeh, N.G., Chang, S. and Zou, L.
Environmental Modelling & Software
2023 [paper]
Image description 2. Predicting Flash Flood Economic Damage at the Community Scale: Empirical Zero-Inflated Model with Semicontinuous Data

Chang, S., Wilkho, R.S., Gharaibeh, N., Lyle, S., & Zou, L.
Natural Hazards Review
2023 [paper]
Image description 1. Environmental, climatic, and situational factors influencing the probability of fatality or injury occurrence in flash flooding: a rare event logistic regression predictive model

Chang, S., Wilkho, R.S., Gharaibeh, N., Sansom, G., Meyer, M., Olivera, F., & Zou, L.
Natural Hazards
2023 [paper]