Rohan Singh Wilkho


resume // linkedin // bio


As a seasoned data scientist, I'm actively involved in the field of data science and climate resilience, under the guidance of Dr. Nasir G. Gharaibeh. My academic journey includes a PhD in Civil Engineering, Master's in Computer Science and a graduate certification in Geographic Information Sciences, which adds diversity to my expertise. I'm committed to studying and tackling the complex issues related to climate change, with the ultimate goal of strengthening community resilience for the future.

My research sits at an interesting intersection of climate science, data-driven engineering, and artificial intelligence. I'm dedicated to developing innovative data-focused approaches for predicting the effects of climate change. This work brings together climate science, AI, and geospatial analysis, all with the aim of providing communities and decision-makers with advanced tools to create effective policies and strategies that safeguard lives and property.

Beyond my research, I also took on the role of lead teaching assistant for the undergraduate surveying course in the Civil and Environmental Engineering department. I'm actively involved in multiple academic and professional groups. I've had the privilege of receiving awards like the ASFPM Student Paper Prize, the Montgomery Award, and the Richard Lietz Memorial Scholarship, which I'm truly grateful for.

In my ongoing journey in this critical domain, my goal reaches beyond the advancement of scientific knowledge. It's also about inspiring and facilitating informed climate action on a global scale.

Please click here for my resume or a third-person bio.



Some of my recent projects



My latest published research



Open Source Software from my research



Giving back to the community


Dec 2023
  • Presented my research DFFS: Dynamic Flash Flood Susceptibility at American Geophysical Union 2023 at San Francsico, California
  • Dec 2023
  • Our paper on a BERT-based ensemble for multi-label text classification of flash flood related web documents gets accepted in Advanced Engineering Informatics
  • Nov 2023
  • Participated in the Student Paper Competition at the Southwest Division of American Association of Geographers regional conference
  • Oct 2023
  • Awarded the J. Malon Southerland '65 Aggie Leader Scholarship by the Texas A&M Association of Former Students
  • Sep 2023
  • Our paper on predicting the economic damages resulting from flash floods gets accepted in Natural Hazards Review
  • Aug 2023
  • Awarded the Richard Lietz Memorial Scholarship for Academic Excellence by the Texas A&M Association of Former Students
  • Aug 2023
  • Our website FloodFinder360 based on our latest research is live
  • Jul 2023
  • Presented my research Flood Finder: An AI-enhanced internet search and information retrieval system for flash flooding at Natural Hazards 2023 Researcher's Meeting at Broomfield, Colorado
  • Jun 2023
  • Our paper on an information retrieval system for past flash flood events gets accepted in Environmental Modeling and Software
  • May 2023
  • Awarded the Graduate Student Leadership and Service Award by the Zachry Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Texas A&M University
  • May 2023
  • Our paper predicting the likelihood of flash flood fatalities gets accepted in Natural Hazards
  • May 2023
  • 1st Runner’s Up in the Student Paper Competition in the Association of State Flood Plain Managers 2023 Conference
  • Apr 2023
  • Awarded the Montgomery Award by the Graduate and Professional School at Texas A&M University
  • Mar 2023
  • Invited talk at Stetson University on topic titled Real-life applications of GIS
  • Feb 2023
  • Presented my research Using Causal Discovery to assess Flash Flood Susceptibility at PRIMR 2023
  • Feb 2023
  • Invited as a guest on the Podcast The Civil Engineering Experience
  • Aug 2022
  • Awarded the Herman F. Heep Scholarship & Achievement Award for Academic Excellence by the Texas A&M Association of Former Students
  • Aug 2022
  • Started tenure as a Graduate Teaching Assistant at Texas A&M University
  • Aug 2022
  • Completed my Data Science Internship at Pioneer Natural Resources after successfully presenting my project titled Automated Well-in-test Prediction
  • Jul 2022
  • Started my Graduate Certificate in Geographic Information Sciences at at Texas A&M University
  • Jul 2022
  • Presented my research Community Susceptibility to Flash Flooding in Three Texas Urban Regions at Natural Hazards 2022 Researcher's Meeting online
  • May 2022
  • Started tenure as a Data Science Intern at Pioneer Natural Resources
  • Apr 2022
  • Awarded the President’s Outstanding Service Award by the Texas A&M Graduate and Professional Student Government
  • Apr 2022
  • Elected as the Speaker & Executive VP of the Texas A&M Graduate and Professional Student Government
  • Apr 2022
  • Elected as the President of the Civil and Environmental Engineering Graduate Student Association
  • Mar 2022
  • Presented my research Dynamic Assessment of Flash Flood Susceptibility at the Census Tract level at Disaster PRIMR 2022 at Denton, Texas
  • Nov 2021
  • Awarded the Students’ Scholarship for Academic Excellence by the American Society of Indian Engineers and Architects
  • Aug 2021
  • Started my Masters Degree in Computer Science at Texas A&M University
  • Apr 2021
  • Awarded the President’s Community Award by the Texas A&M Graduate and Professional Student Government
  • Apr 2021
  • Elected as the VP of Information of the Texas A&M Graduate and Professional Student Government
  • Apr 2021
  • Elected as the VP of the Civil and Environmental Engineering Graduate Student Association
  • Jan 2022
  • Presented my research Assembling Micro-Scale Data on Flash Flood Events at Disaster PRIMR 2021 online
  • Nov 2020
  • Awarded the Academic Excellence Fellowship by the Zachry Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Aug 2020
  • Elected as the VP of the Civil and Environmental Engineering Graduate Student Association
  • Apr 2020
  • Elected as the VP of Information of the Texas A&M Graduate and Professional Student Government
  • Aug 2019
  • Elected as the Awarded the Academic Excellence Fellowship by the Zachry Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Jan 2019
  • Started tenure as a Graduate Research Assistant and my doctoral degree in Civil Engineering at Texas A&M University